HONEY, a most assimilable carbohydrate compound, is a unique acceptable, practical and effective food to generate heat, create and replace energy, and also to form certain tissues. Honey also provides the body with the substances for the formation of enzymes and other biological ferments to promote oxidation. Has marked germicidal properties and in this sense is very different from milk is a great breeding ground for bacteria. Honey is a food more precious, that today is not sufficiently appreciated. Its use frequently, if not daily is vital.
The natural and universal desire for sweets of some kind better demonstrates that there is a real need for them in the human system. The children, who spend a lot of energy, have a real "passion" for sweets. This is really instinct. Protein will replace and build tissues, but the function and the allocation of carbohydrates to create and replace heating and energy, and to provide what we call honey, which contains two invert sugar, dextrose and levulose, has many advantages as a food substance. Although cane sugar and starches, as already mentioned, must be submitted during the digestion of a reversal process that transforms them into grape and fruit-sugar, honey has already been done because it is predigested by the bees, reversed and concentrated . This saves the stomach additional work. For a healthy human body, which is able to digest the sugar, the news that honey is a predigested sugar already has less importance, but in a case of weak digestion, especially those who lack invertible and amylase and depend on mono saccharides, it is a different thing and deserves consideration.
The consummation of this act is accomplished by predigestive invertase enzymes, amylase and catalase, which are produced by worker bees such increased quantities that can be found in every part of their body. However, there is plenty of honey left for our benefit. The remarkable power of converting these enzymes can be baked pif from a simple experiment. If you add one or two tablespoon of raw honey for a pint of concentrated solution of sucrose, the mixture will soon be transformed into invert sugar. The addition of honey boiled, in which the enzyme has been destroyed, it will not make such a change.
The frequent biblical references to milk and honey show the importance of these two oldest foods. Neither, however, is a complete food, or adequate nutrition alone for a long period of time. They are effective only to supplement shortages of other food substances.
The milk has many drawbacks. As mentioned, it is an excellent medium for breeding bacteria. The inhabitants of the Middle acid rapidly from the milk of cows, goats, sheep, camels and mares and prepare curds and cheese on it, because in hot climates, milk can not be stored in any other way. Honey, however, requires little attention and does not deteriorate even in the tropics. Honey was often given reference on milk. It is not surprising that Van Helmont gave milk the epithet, "food brute" and suggested the bread, and honey baked in October, as a substitute. Lie big also recommended a substitute for milk. Honey has many advantages, such as a basic article of diet to ensure optimum nutrition.
TweetThe frequent biblical references to milk and honey show the importance of these two oldest foods. Neither, however, is a complete food, or adequate nutrition alone for a long period of time. They are effective only to supplement shortages of other food substances.
The milk has many drawbacks. As mentioned, it is an excellent medium for breeding bacteria. The inhabitants of the Middle acid rapidly from the milk of cows, goats, sheep, camels and mares and prepare curds and cheese on it, because in hot climates, milk can not be stored in any other way. Honey, however, requires little attention and does not deteriorate even in the tropics. Honey was often given reference on milk. It is not surprising that Van Helmont gave milk the epithet, "food brute" and suggested the bread, and honey baked in October, as a substitute. Lie big also recommended a substitute for milk. Honey has many advantages, such as a basic article of diet to ensure optimum nutrition.